Sunday, January 21, 2007

My room

On second thought (which has unexpectedly decided to pop out of thin air after a gap of about 24 hours), I have decided that I will indeed try and describe my room. See, I was looking at the picture again and realized that it’s not very easy to define depth for the viewer in this limited two-dimensional medium. So here goes…

The room must be about 15ft by 8ft. Don’t start to make any mental pictures just yet, coz this includes the bathroom. There is a study table that is quite big and sufficient for a student with my academic intents. There is a small drawer cabinet to keep your files and mostly things that u never know where to keep. (This is almost tempting me to tell you my theory on drawers and all that you can tell about people just by looking into their drawers. But that can wait for another day.) I am actually contemplating if the lower drawer, which is quite big in reality, should be used for dirty clothes. But I guess I will decide about that when the chair-back cannot balance any more clothes on it. The cupboards are actually quite nice and can store a lot of stuff. Especially given the size of the whole room, I think someone has done a pretty good job with them. It’s the fridge that I haven’t quite been able to explain to myself. In my opinion, it should be strong contender for the International Design Award for Ergonomical Errors! The door isn’t tall enough for the lifeline of student living, the 2L Pepsi bottle. And if u put a box the size of half a kilogram of barfi on the inside shelf, the damn thing refuses to close altogether. The shelves themselves are only two in number and have a width that can put a measuring scale to shame (you know the plastic ones we had back in nursery school). There is obviously no freezer. And possibly at under 5 ltrs (I’m being kind coz I’m pretty damn sure it is no more than 0.5 ltrs.), it is the smallest ‘cabinet’ I have ever laid my eyes on.

Next is the most prominent furniture in the room, the bed. Beds always made me wonder what it is about them. You could take two exactly similar people in height, weight, creed, colour, religion, nationality, and any other criteria that you might find relevant, and give them two exactly same beds. Leave them for a few couple of weeks to sleep on them. Exchange the beds now and make a video of the night. Trust me you will end up with a movie Mr. Bean would have loved to act in! Anyway, the bed here can be qualified as comfortable as long as you are lying in one direction. I can bet my ass that our good friend Manish Bhatt could cover the full width if he as much as lay down straight with his two ‘muscular’ arms on either side! Which gives a person of my ‘lean’ physique just enough space to be able to shuffle in a series of synchronized movements and turn myself over and still be on the bed. The whole process requires the highest level of precision, comparable to that of an Olympic gold medalist in artistic gymnastics. And talking of artistic gymnastics, have you ever wondered how makers of the television commercials for Hamam soap have over the years managed to maintain the sanctity of the bathing man, covered all over with so much lather that you can’t tell if it is the same person from the rest of the commercial, frantically rubbing all over his upper body with a big smile as if he had just had the most satisfying sex ever after Adam & Eve. Well don’t even try it in the shower in my room if you ever come visiting! You could land yourself some serious injuries in trying to mock the most ‘satisfying’ shower sold to us by the dream merchants. And for the last warning before I close, just be careful when you bend down to rinse after you brush sleepily in the mornings. You have a margin of error of 5mm, a little closer and you will bring down the cabinet on top, a little further and you could be spitting on your feet!

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